
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fabric Friday: August 7...on a Saturday...

Hey everyone,

I like to think to think that someone noticed I missed posting my Fabric Friday post, but I don't really kid myself...but I hope you like reading them even if you don't miss them ;-)

The truth is, this week has been wholly unproductive and stressful. Lots has happened, though not really very much for many people, but a lot for me, and I felt my anxiety building. And when my anxiety builds...well, my productivity goes down. :-( So, not so much sewing this week. Or cleaning.

My girls have had rough weeks, and I'm not really sure why. Everyone has been a little grumpy (including me...) and I think it's time for school to start again. I was also called to do a new assignment in our congregation, and it's VERY humbling and overwhelming for me, so that has been stressing me out all week. Maybe I'll share more about that next week. And we've had appointments and plans and all sorts of things to make the week pass very quickly. I'm rambling. And I'm rambling not to excuse my late post, but just to share what's happening. Stress is really tough for me to deal with.

Anyway...yesterday, I stopped by a quilt shop I haven't visited before, Pine Needles, because it wasn't terribly out of my way to a lunch appointment, and I had some time. And I needed some retail therapy (see previous paragraph). It was such a fun shop to visit, and I must visit again soon! They had so many patterns, and they carried some designers and lines that aren't carried in my local shop (Alison Glass, hello!). They also had a very small selection of Cotton and Steel double gauze, which was really fun for me to feel; I've never seen it before, and I would love to work with it. I would have purchased some on the spot, but was feeling the pinch on my wallet and I didn't know how much I would need for a pattern since I didn't have one picked out...and, I'm ashamed to say that I also used it to scout some fabrics that I would like to buy, but online. The shop wasn't cheap (most fabrics were $12/yd), so I bought some (support local!) but bought the fabrics I knew were hard to find online in half-yard increments (like Alison Glass, and Art Gallery). I am planning to make a purchase from Fat Quarter Shop with some fabrics that I know I want now. about we get to the pretty fabric? I threw this bundle together this morning, knowing I needed something to post, so while I think it works, it's not the best I've done. Sometimes, I'm really proud of my bundles. This one...I like. And I think it could be really cool. I think it has a good blend of warm and cool fabrics. But I don't know what I'd do with it.

Top to bottom: Moonlight by Cotton and Steel, Block Party by Sandy Gervais, Priory Square by Katy Jones (a score from Pine Needles yesterday!), Speedster by The RBD Designers, Avant Garden by Momo, Hoodies Collection for Blank Quilting, and Dottie by Cotton and Steel.

Something I think that has been a happy byproduct of this Fabric Friday thing I do is that I have a better idea of the designers I gravitate to, and the style of fabric I really love. Going through the selvages each week has shown me that some designers consistently show up, and some basics I continually draw one (like Cotton and Steel's Dottie prints). What's nice about it is that I'm less likely to go crazy at the fabric shops now; I'm getting a feel for my stash and what I end up using. It saves money, sort of. Because I'm also inclined to let myself buy something I know I'll use. Hehe.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you are struggling at the moment Becca. A trip to a new shop will always "get you out of your own head" for a while and I hope it has perked you up.
    I love your collections of fabric - I am on a purchasing freeze till I have used up some of my stash.
    Feeling a bit shell shocked today after helping out on a stand at The Festival of Quilts for four days..... shattered!!
