
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Getting my curves on

It's been a while since I've posted an in-progress post, and it's not intentional, I just don't take a lot of photos while I craft. I have to really think about taking photos of finished products too, which I'm glad I'm doing this blog because it gets me to do it, but that's just to say that WIP posts aren't easy for me to whip out.

But--I've been working on a lot of different things. Mainly minis, to be honest, but I do have a couple of larger quilts in the works too, including one with curves from Angela Pingel's book, A Quilter's Mixology. I love this book, and I love her technique for sewing curves! It makes it pretty accessible.

The one thing that held me up, though, was all the cutting. So, I finally decided to just do it for 10-15 minutes at a time, and just knock it out slowly...and I actually finished earlier than expected.

I haven't made a ton of progress since getting everything cut out, but I really think I'm going to love this quilt. And slowing down while I've been piecing it together has been great.

I'm really enjoying the process. I think tougher blocks kind of make you do that--since you can't rush, you almost enjoy it more because you don't feel bad that it's not going to be finished by the end of the week (or month...)

Linking up to Lee's WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!


  1. I love the projects where you give yourself permission to be slow!

  2. I really love how these blocks are shaping up! Also, I think that working on a project in smaller chunks of time makes it less daunting. What a great idea... I'm going to try it :)
