Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Beach Puddles

The other quilt I got bound recently was this version of Candlelight by April Rosenthal. I made her kit version with the same fabrics from the cover quilt, and I love it. It's fun to put together with the traditional blocks. In the pattern, she emphasizes that value gradation is a key part of the quilt and making the design really pop. I thought it would be fun to play with color gradation instead and went with yellow to blue. I really like the colors and I think it worked out well but it didn't have the same impact as the value gradation. It's interesting how the changes made it pop differently. I treated yellow as the light and navy as the dark, which makes sense, but the warm yellow pops more than the cool blue so it's interested to see color theory in action. And the middle colors kind muddle together...I should have used the yellow for the stars so they popped more than the rolling stones blocks.

I omitted the border on it because I couldn't decide on what fabric to use, and it was a pretty narrow border anyway. So it's a tad smaller than the original, but I don't think it's too small by any means. Although, I do tend to prefer large quilts ;-). 

Here's my original Candlelight quilt, which I realized as I wrote this that I had never blogged about. 

Beach Puddles, quilted by Abby Latimer, completed July 2024

Original Candlelight, quilted by Abby Latimer, completed November 2020

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