Friday, March 3, 2023

Fabric Friday Week 18: March 3

I've felt stymied a bit with fabric pulls the last couple of weeks. It feels like all my pulls really feel the same. It feels discouraging, if I'm honest. This last week, I pulled out my scrap bins because I want to work on finishing up an old WIP, a sampler project I started years ago. I had 49 6" blocks that I had sashed together with a magenta solid, and I even had a backing prepared. It was small, but I wanted to try my hand at free motion quilting on my domestic, and I felt like it was a doable size. never made it to the top of my list to work on because I just didn't really want to. So last month, I decided that I needed to get rid of it or do something about it. I decided to take it apart and do something else. I did some math, and figured that to make a quilt the size that I like quilts, I could do a 10x12 layout, alternating my sampler blocks with hourglass blocks so that it would form a bit of a star pattern. I'd need 60 sampler blocks, so I needed to make more, and I've been working on that this past week. I'm up to 53 now, which is progress. 

I'm using scraps for the blocks, of course, so I've pulled out my scrap bins and they were sitting on the floor. Instead of turning to my drawers of fabric this week for my pull, I turned to my scraps, and this is what I came up with. I think it works pretty well. Not sure I'd use it for a full quilt, but I think it's decently balanced. 

In unrelated news, with my scrap bins out so I can pull fabrics for my sampler blocks, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of scraps I have and should probably work on a scrap project soon...

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